The voice of the business community

Helping people live, work & thrive in Grady County
We advocate for policy that will ensure a prosperous business environment and nurture the growth and viability of its membership.
Chamber Ambassadors
The Chamber Ambassadors are members who volunteer their time to provide a crucial link between the Chamber and its members.
Chamber Bucks
Keep your money local and give the gift of choice! Chamber Buck$ are a excellent way to reward your employees while keeping it local!
Annual Events
Mule Day
Annual Dinner & Community Awards
Elevate Artisan Market
Whigham Rattlesnake Roundup
Antique Car Rally
Cairo Christmas Parade
Gun Raffle
“New South”
Grady County, on the southwest border of Georgia, is the state’s 139th county. Created in 1906 from portions of Decatur and Thomas counties, it was named after Henry W. Grady, prominent editor of the Atlanta Constitution and famed southern orator who widely prophesied the “New South.”